External events

External Event | Getting to a Less Wild West: Earthquake Early Warning and Instrumentation in BC

November 29, 2022, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

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Join us on November 29th, Be Part of the Solution!

What: We are hosting a short, URBCx 2022 session to align with the UR Global Forum in Brazil: Getting to a Less Wild West: Earthquake Early Warning and Instrumentation in BC.

When: November 29th, Doors at 9:00am. URBCx programming, from 9:40am-10:30am

Where: In-person at UBC Campus; CEME 2202, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building (CEME), 6250 Applied Science Lane, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, UBC Way Finder Link: 

or on Zoom Meeting ID: 653 2585 8834 Passcode: 2202

Register here


9:00am Doors Open at UBC and on Zoom, Coffee & Networking

9:40am - 10:30am Main Session, URBCx programming- Getting to a Less Wild West: Earthquake Early Warning and Instrumentation in BC

10:30-10:45am Coffee/tea break

10:45 –12pm Continuation of Session Locally: Getting to a Less Wild West: Earthquake Early Warning and Instrumentation in BC

12:00pm+ Social lunch with colleagues somewhere nearby (lunch not provided) 

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Hosted by: Monrit Chatha, Vice President EERI BC & RJC Engineers

Moderated by: Jessica Shoubridge, Director EERI BC & Program Lead for URBC, Founder & Principal of Thrive Consulting


John Sherstobitoff, Ausenco, Principal, Seismic

Henry Seywerd, Natural Resources Canada

Teron Moore, NSC Seismic Consultants, Founder & Principal

Evan Reis, Safehub, Director Science & Analytics & US Resiliency Council

Amin Kassam, Metro Vancouver, Division Manager, Shared Utility Services at Metro Vancouver


Tickets are free/by donation. Suggested donation amount of $10. Includes access to the UR 2022 Global Forum.

What is URBC?

Since 2017, the Understanding Risk BC (URBC) symposiums have been bringing people together in a way that fosters the necessary, interdisciplinary, ‘all of society’ approach to reducing risk and building resilience in Southwest BC. The community-based symposiums have worked to shift the conversation from risk assessment/ analysis (what can we expect?) to an evaluation of risk reduction strategies to help build resilience through proactive plans, policies and investments (what actions are needed and how best to implement/finance them?, what are the priority actions with the greatest risk reduction potential?).

The objectives of the URBC Symposiums are in line with the priorities for action of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030), which was adopted by the BC government in 2018. These same priorities are in line with and in support of the National Emergency Management Strategy for Canada: Toward a Resilient 2030 and its current focus on earthquakes, floods, and wildfires.

This year we have had an excellent opportunity to act as a satellite hub for the UR22 global forum, based in Brazil. The umbrella theme of the UR 2022 global forum is: climate change and the cascading effects of multi-hazards in a constantly changing world.

The EERI BC Chapter has acted as the administrative sponsor of the URBC symposiums since 2017.

Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday,

Salman Soleimani-Dashtaki

EERI-BC President

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  • External events

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