Research activities

The Disaster Resilience Research Network is forming multidisciplinary working groups to conduct research and outreach activities related to disasters in BC.

Ongoing working groups and projects

BC Atlas of Disaster (2024-)

BC Disaster & Resilience Literature Review (2023-24)

EMCR Collaboration (2023-25)

Resilience Hubs for UBC Campus Communities (2024-26)

DRRN Research Seminars (2022-23) 

Activity co-leads: Carlos Molina Hutt & Sara Shneiderman

Course mapping / building an interdisciplinary graduate curriculum
Activity co-leads: Stephanie Chang & Trevor Carey
View the 2024-25 course list here

Pre-disaster coordination / Rapid Response Network (on hold)

Activity co-leads: Jocelyn Stacey & Amy Kim

Analysis and assessment of the 2021 events (wildfires, heat wave, flooding, landslides, etc.) in BC (on hold)

Activity co-leads: David Edgington & Dwayne Tannant

Future working groups

White paper on re-framing hazard and risk / outlining our network's intended contribution 

Developing community partnerships & co-producing hazard science & policy recommendations

Developing a framework for transdisciplinary disaster research ethics

Check back for updates as our activities progress.

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